NSW 50s & 55s Teams named for CFC on Gold Coast

VCNSW Over 50s Selectors have worked hard to squeeze 44 players from an overwhelming response of 131 potential players into 4 sides to represent VCNSW vs QVC on the Gold Coast at the end of March 2022. As you all know, we are trailblazing with QVC the concept of dividing the age decades into 5 year splits. (i.e. 50s and 55s); this is happening in 60s as well as we forge ahead to introduce 55s and 65s into a National Tournament.

The reasons behind this are based on the exponential take-up of new players throughout the three age Divisions, (50s, 60s and 70s) as we try to accommodate all members with meaningful tournaments. Of course, ALL tournaments are subject to provision of satisfactory wickets and facilities and the number of quality grounds within a reasonable distance from the main hub will define our future. Next autumn NSW will host the CFC somewhere roughly equidistant for each State and the numbers of the 60s & 70s age groups will also have to be cut.

Congratulations to all those selected and commiserations for all those who did not make it this year. Our thanks to our selectors led by Mark Elia who had a very tough job in making up the 44 players. Good luck up there lads.




Over 60s State Titles NEWS