Social and Health Benefits
Many of our players have ceased work. They played cricket in their younger years and believed that their playing days were over. When they retire there is a need to find interests and they often lose daily interaction with other people. This can lead to feelings of being ’irrelevant’, or being isolated from society.
There have been many stories of players’ and their partners letting us know what a difference cricket has made to their lives. Attending Competitions, Carnivals and Regional games provides interaction with their peers and new friendships. Some go on to hold positions within their age group or on the main Board.
The introduction of O75s cricket (with its adapted rules) saw many playing the game they loved when they thought that they would no longer be able.
Here are some of the Benefits:
Social Interaction
Sense of Community
Physical Activity
Cognitive Engagement
Emotional Support
Sense of Purpose
Stress Relief
Improved Self-Esteem
Positive Routine
Joy and Fun